A nice weekend away

My church group went to a nice location in Port Hacking, south of Sydney, this weekend to get away from it all and learn some valuable stuff. As is usual with these things, there was a theme – the Sabbath rest (a mighty good one I thought, in the context of living in Sydney).
While there a game of cricket got going yesterday afternoon. It was a rare chance since my surgery to see how my arm goes in strenuous physical activity. Happily, bowling (not too fast) and batting was fine, but sadly this arm still cannot throw a significant distance while fielding, and it actually hurts it a bit to try, so no more of that for a while. I tried throwing with my left arm, also pretty useless since I have never really done it.
I have returned with a plan to live not at 100%, like the rest of the western world says you must, but maybe only 85%, and take some time out to reflect on what is important. After all, as I think most people would intuitively know from life’s experience, we are designed to live with margins.
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